Registrants, Photographs and Scrapbooks

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In 2012 the Ormiston and district reunion registered over 300 attendees.  The committee this year recognized the alumni of the schools and past residents is a diminishing demographic.  Therefore, a target of 200 was set for the 2023 get together.  As of June 23rd, there are 149 signed up to attend.  The committee is still hopeful that another 50 will enroll in the next two weeks. There are many families from the district not yet represented and many CVHS friends not yet registered who would enjoy the weekend. 

For everyone registered to date the committee suggests you bring a few photographs or mementos of Ormiston and district. There will be time on Saturday afternoon to socialize and tables will be set out to display keepsakes and albums.  Relics of years gone by, or photos of current extended families will be enjoyed by all.  

Looking forward to seeing you there.

The 2023 reunion committee

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