Look who is attending!

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Hello All,
Below is a list of participants taking part in the Ormiston and Friends reunion on July 15th and 16th, 2023.

We are delighted to have 115 already registered as of April 30th.  We are optimistic that this number can be doubled by the time of the reunion weekend.  The registration fee of $98.00 per person has been extended until June 30th.

If you are registered, and notice that there are friends you would like to see on the list, that have not signed up, please encourage them to attend.  This reunion is for anyone who has connections to the district.  If you had pals in Ormiston, or went to high school in Crane Valley, or enjoyed a dip in the lake, the sports days, or the rodeos at Oro Lake, you will like this get-together at the old stomping grounds.

We look forward to seeing you there!

The Reunion Committee

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