Creemore/Ormiston School

Untitled (1500 × 788 px)

The original Creemore school was built by pioneers of the district in 1916.  This small one room country schoolhouse served the entire region including the recent townsite of Ormiston until 1934.  In that year, with enrollment of over 50, a second room to the Creemore school was set up at an old store in Ormiston.  In 1940 with assistance from the Horseshoe Lake Mining Company, a new schoolhouse was built in Ormiston.  A second room to this school was constructed in 1953.  

In 1958 the country Creemore school was closed and students were bused to the Creemore school in Ormiston.  By 1961 a third room was added in Ormiston, as a school building from Readlyn was moved and set alongside the big two room schoolhouse.

In 1976 the school was closed.  The third room schoolhouse still stands on the site just south of town with a commemorative plaque in front of the building celebrating sixty years of the proud Creemore/Ormiston school legacy.

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